10 signs indicating the need for dental implants
One of the first things people notice in individuals is their smiles. However, the quality of one’s teeth can deteriorate due to multiple reasons. But, innovation in oral healthcare has helped one find solutions to almost every issue. For example, dental implants serve as a root for missing teeth, onto which orthodontists implant fixed or removable artificial teeth. Here are ten times dental implants become necessary and help one regain lost teeth function. Broken teeth One of the most obvious signs is broken teeth or chipping, which can ruin the overall appearance of one’s teeth and also affect confidence levels. Since teeth stop growing after a certain age, the broken tooth can be replaced only with artificial veneer. Tooth infection A bad infection can degrade the roots and gums, causing the tooth to fall out prematurely. Dental implants can be used to fill in this gap. Speech impairment Misaligned teeth cause speech impairment as it becomes difficult to enunciate certain words. Implants can fix this problem easily to overcome slurring, whistling, and improper pronunciation. Trouble chewing The upper and lower set of teeth work together to bite down on foods. However, misaligned and damaged teeth can affect this action. Here, dental implants can help align the teeth properly.