4 questions one should ask a gastroenterologist
Gastroenterologists are physicians who specialize in diagnosing and treating digestive tract disorders. This can include problems ranging from the passage of gas, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome to even colon cancer, and more. While asking them certain questions can be embarrassing, one must not shy away from them. Instead, one must enquire about the issues to receive more information. Keep reading to know more about these questions and why they must be asked. Is passing a lot of gas an issue? Usually, one may release gas in the form of burps or even farts, but most people do not know that this gas forms due to many reasons. While the passage of gas is completely natural, sometimes when it builds up, it can lead to bloating and abdominal pain. This often occurs when the patient regularly eats fatty foods, has an increased level of stress, eats too quickly, or has irritable bowel syndrome. In such cases, gastroenterologists may provide a diagnosis of the underlying issue and develop a treatment plan. How do I know if my stool is normal? Typically, stool can be of different colors, shapes, and sizes. It must be log-like and have cracks on its surface.